WANT 20 TESTERS For 14 Days?

Join us: Let thousands of developers test your app for free and uncover hidden bugs. Or rely on our dedicated, expert team for comprehensive, professional testing.

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Download App

Download our app and create a new account (or login with existing one)


Start Testing

Test atleast 3 apps of other developers to publish your first app


Add Google Group

Add the provided Google group link into your closed testing release


Select Countries

Similarly select all Countries inside closed testing release (save it)


Fill Publishing Form

Fill the publishing form in the app with details and click on publish button


App Published

Congrats your app is published and available for other developers to test

  • What is Google Play 20 Testers policy ?

    According to this policy, Developers should test their app with 20 testers for 14 days continuously before publishing the app into playstore. (Only for Personal accounts created after Nov 13, 2023)

  • Sed blandit quam in velit

    You can download Lava Template from our website. Duis viverra, ipsum et scelerisque placerat, orci magna consequat ligula.

  • Aenean faucibus venenatis

    Phasellus in imperdiet felis, eget vestibulum nulla. Aliquam nec dui nec augue maximus porta. Curabitur tristique lacus.

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Suspendisse vitae laoreet mauris. Fusce a nisi dapibus, euismod purus non, convallis odio. Donec vitae magna ornare, pellentesque ex vitae, aliquet urna.